PR Asia Internship Program

WIL work integrated learning

Kickstart your career. Grow your skills. Make an Impact.

Are you a student worries about your prospects after graduating? Or a graduate who already knows how tough it is in the competitive job market? 

Fear not. We got your back. Register your details by using form below and we will get in touch with you soon.


Own your work 

We treat people like adults, and interns like permanent employees. You'll work on real projects, solve real problems, and gain feedback along the way. We provide the tools and training you need, and trust you to take ownership and make the right decisions. 

Make a real impact

Whether you care deeply about content, design, production, or writing, the opportunity to shape how entrepreneurs around the world do business, is in your hands. 

WIL Program - Showcase Your Talents

PR Asia is partnering with the top-tier universities around Melbourne (University of Melbourne, Monash University, RMIT etc.) Our Intern (Work Integrated Learning) is a recognised program, and is designed for eager young professionals just like you looking to kick off their careers.


Our WIL program is designed to help your transition from study to the workplace and to put that all important experience on your resume. We will match you with the right internship placement for you, taking into consideration your career goals, specific area of expertise, relevant experience, learning objectives, training needs and location. You'll get practical experience in a workplace and also academic credit towards your degree too. 

"As an intern, you can use your time to learn and experiment, before diving deep into something."

- Grace, WIL Growth Program

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